Vacant Building Board

The Vacant Commercial or Industrial Building Appeals Board is a review board comprised of Akron residents appointed by the mayor. The board members review cases from the Department of Neighborhood Assistance Housing Compliance Division. Two types of cases are presented to the board members for their review: commercial or industrial properties for which the Housing Compliance Division recommends demolition and appeals of registration orders. 

The Vacant Commercial or Industrial Building Appeals Board monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month in Akron City Council Chambers on the 3rd?floor of the Municipal Building, located at 166 S. High Street.? Parking is available in the CitiCenter parking garage and all meter parking around the city hall.? 

The meetings begin at 9:00 a.m. and continue until all scheduled cases are reviewed. Owners of the properties being considered for demolition are encouraged to attend these meetings and provide written plans and schedules describing how they will bring their property into compliance. Neighbors of the properties being reviewed are also encouraged to attend and testify about how the property impacts the neighborhood. 


Current Board Members